Intersections of Hyperconics in Projective Planes of Even Order

Autor: James M. McQuillan, Aiden A. Bruen
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Finite Fields and Their Applications. 7(2):332-340
ISSN: 1071-5797
DOI: 10.1006/ffta.2000.0294
Popis: We show how to lift the even intersection equivalence relation from the hyperovals of PG(2, 4) to an equivalence relation amongst sets of hyperconics in π=PG(2, F). Here, F is any finite or infinite field of characteristic two that contains a subfield of order 4, but does not contain a subfield of order 8. Moreover, we are able to determine the number of points that two hyperconics in π will have in common provided some projective subplane of order 4 intersects both of them in hexads.
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