NCBI’s Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes: dbGaP

Autor: Zhen Y Wang, Kimberly A Tryka, Luning Hao, Yumi Jin, Lora Ziyabari, Moira Lee, Masato Kimura, Nataliya Sharopova, Natalia Popova, Michael Feolo, Anne Sturcke
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Nucleic Acids Research
ISSN: 1362-4962
Popis: The Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGap, is a National Institutes of Health-sponsored repository charged to archive, curate and distribute information produced by studies investigating the interaction of genotype and phenotype. Information in dbGaP is organized as a hierarchical structure and includes the accessioned objects, phenotypes (as variables and datasets), various molecular assay data (SNP and Expression Array data, Sequence and Epigenomic marks), analyses and documents. Publicly accessible metadata about submitted studies, summary level data, and documents related to studies can be accessed freely on the dbGaP website. Individual-level data are accessible via Controlled Access application to scientists across the globe.
Databáze: OpenAIRE