Overview of current implementation and limitations of point-of-care ultrasound in the emergency department: a nationwide survey in Belgium

Autor: Evert Verhoeven, Lieven De Smedt, Elke Rimbaut
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Acta Clinica Belgica. 77:631-639
ISSN: 2295-3337
Popis: Giving an overview of the current implementation and limitations of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in Belgian Emergency Departments (EDs).A survey, consisting of questions regarding demographics, practice patterns, policies, difficulties of implementing ultrasound (US) and training of emergency physicians was sent out to all Belgian EDs (n = 109).Seventy-two percent of all the EDs responded. Eighty percent of these had an US device, 10% intended to have one in the near future whilst the remaining 10% had no intention of obtaining one. The main reasons for not having US were insufficient training (50%), no budget to purchase a device (31%), resistance from other specialties (31%), no return from investment (25%) and uncertainty about liability (19%).Eighty-four percent of the responding hospitals had a prehospital MUG (Mobiele Urgentiegroep) - team or SMUR (Service Mobile d'Urgence et de Réanimation). In 29% of these, prehospital US (PHUS) was used, 18% were in the process of purchasing a device whilst 53% had no intention of implementing PHUS. The main reasons for not implementing PHUS were short transfer times (38%), insufficient training (33%), the cost of a device (25%), no return from investment (19%), the assumption that PHUS delays administering urgent care (19%) and the uncertainty about liability (8%). Nationwide, 40% of all emergency physicians have had some form of US training.POCUS is regularly used in Belgian EDs for diagnostic and management purposes. Further implementation of POCUS will depend on how barriers are being addressed in the near future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE