World-view problems of existential uncertainty of human being in traummatized modern societies

Autor: I. G. Utiuzh, N. V. Spytsia
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences.; № 1(87) (2020); 120-130
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка. Філософські науки; № 1(87) (2020); 120-130
ISSN: 2663-7650
Popis: The article provides a socio-philosophical analysis of the worldview problems of modern Ukrainian society. It is established that the fidelity of the Ukrainian people to their past and their active sacralization, immersion in history, lead to an ephemeral representation of the present and future of our state. Infantilism, unwillingness and inability to recognize maturity, which brings the rationalization of activity and responsibility for its results, is often a problem for the development of traumatized societies, Ukraine being a part of. Within the framework of the interdisciplinary methodology of the medical philosophy, the use of the clinical method is proposed to explain the foundations of "mutual understanding" in the structure of "the Self - the Other" and understanding the factors of its absence in modern Ukrainian society. Using the existential-phenomenological approach, the phenomenon of Nietzsche`s "forgetting" is analyzed as a metaphysical basis for understanding history and the possibility of applying this method within the framework of Ukrainian society to solve a significant number of social problems and risks.The article analyzes the key determinants of negative processes in modern Ukrainian society: firstly, the excessive fidelity of the Ukrainian people to their past, up to its sacralization, which in turn does not make it possible to clearly show the present and future of the Ukrainian state; secondly, infantilism,unwillingness and inability to recognize their own maturity and take responsibility for the future of Ukrainian society.It is proved that the solution to the problem of growing social and existential uncertainty of the modern Ukrainian society foundations lies in the plane of reorientation from appeal to the tragic past to accepting the latest social and cultural challenges of the modern global world. Awareness of one's own self and responsibility for the future, acceptance of the fact that for the future of the country it is extremely important to realize Here and Now, and not There and Then in the past, remains extremely necessary for Ukrainian society. This analysis makes it possible to detect particularly significant philosophical aspects that affect the formation of the future for state within the framework of its ideological and political strategies.
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