Phosphorus in alkaline soils of the semiarid region, Brazil: inorganic fractions, capacity factor, and availability

Autor: Maria Regilene de Freitas Costa Paiva, Fábio Henrique Tavares de Oliveira, Welka Preston Leite Batista da Costa Alves, Milene de Lima Farias, Marx Lima da Cunha, Hernane Arllen Medeiros Tavares, Helena Maria Morais Neta Góis, Marina Beatriz da Silva Bezerra Santos, Jandeilson Alves de Arruda, Leilson Costa Grangeiro, Marcio Gleybson da Silva Bezerra, Francisco Vanies da Silva Sá
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International journal of phytoremediation.
ISSN: 1549-7879
Popis: The study was designed to quantify the contents of Pi fractions and correlate them with the P capacity factor of soils in the Brazilian semiarid region. We also evaluated the effect of soil P doses contact time and P availability for maize plants in alkaline soils of the Brazilian semiarid region. Soil samples were collected between the Piranhas-Açu (RN) and Jaguaribe (CE) rivers valleys. The maximum phosphate sorption capacity was highly correlated with the values of remaining P, indicating that it can be used as a measure to estimate the P capacity factor of these soils. Maximum P sorption capacity correlated with FeThe clay content and P-remnant estimate the P capacity factor in alkaline soils.In alkaline soils, there is a predominance of P–Ca and P–Fe.The availability of P stabilizes after 120 days.The largest corn biomass occurs between the P doses of 256–288 mg dm
Databáze: OpenAIRE