Requirements for commercial X-ray element-specific imaging technology

Autor: J. C. Austin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
ISSN: 1354-2575
Popis: Analysis of the composition of material samples nondestructively by means of standard X-ray tube imaging\ud is extremely challenging due to the breadth of the\ud bremsstrahlung spectrum, resulting from mono-energetic\ud electrons striking a thick tungsten target. In previous work,\ud stacks of registered field-flattened images of various samples\ud over an energy range 15-150 keV were created and analysed.\ud Attempts to remove the effects of the broad spectrum proved\ud the concept of element-specific imaging, but problems still\ud remained. In this work, modification strategies to existing\ud designs are proposed in both hardware and software, which\ud would bolster efforts to remove the effects of the broad X-ray spectrum.
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