Tobacco Seed-Based Oral Vaccination against Verocytotoxic O138 Escherichia coli as Alternative Approach to Antibiotics in Weaned Piglets

Autor: Luciana Rossi, Matteo Dell’Anno, Lauretta Turin, Serena Reggi, Angela Lombardi, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Joel Filipe, Federica Riva, Pietro Riccaboni, Eugenio Scanziani, Paola Dall’Ara, Eugenio Demartini, Antonella Baldi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Antibiotics; Volume 12; Issue 4; Pages: 715
Popis: Post-weaning diarrhoea and enterotoxaemia caused by Escherichia coli are serious threats in the pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) livestock industry and are responsible for economic losses related to mortality, morbidity and stunted growth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an engineered tobacco seeds-based edible vaccine in O138 Escherichia coli-challenged piglets throughout a multidisciplinary approach. Thirty-six weaned piglets were enrolled and randomly divided into two experimental groups, a control (C; n = 18) group and a tobacco edible vaccination group (T, n = 18), for 29 days of trial. At days 0, 1, 2, 5 and 14, piglets of the T group were fed with 10 g of the engineered tobacco seeds line expressing F18 and VT2eB antigens, while the C group received wild-type tobacco seeds. After 20 days, 6 piglets/group were orally challenged with the Escherichia coli O138 strain (creating four subgroups: UC = unchallenged control, CC = challenged control, UT = unchallenged tobacco, CT = challenged tobacco) and fed with a high protein diet for 3 consecutive days. Zootechnical, clinical, microbiological, histological and immunological parameters were assayed and registered during the 9 days of post-challenge follow up. At 29 days post-challenge, the CT group displayed a lower average of the sum of clinical scores compared to the CC group (p < 0.05), while the CC group showed a higher average sum of the faecal score (diarrhoea) (p < 0.05) than the CT group. A decreased number of days of shedding of the pathogenic strain was observed in the CT compared to the CC group (p < 0.05). Specific anti-F18 IgA molecules were significantly higher in the CT group compared to the CC group’s faecal samples during the post-challenge period (p < 0.01). In conclusion, edible vaccination with engineered tobacco seeds showed a protective effect on clinical symptoms and diarrhoea incidence during the post-challenge period, characterized by a limited time of pathogenic strain shedding in faeces.
Databáze: OpenAIRE