Autor: William B. Trimble
Rok vydání: 1909
Zdroj: Journal of the American Medical Association. :264
ISSN: 0002-9955
Popis: The literature on this subject is comparatively meager, especially in this country. This fact alone would seem to be sufficient warrant for further comment, even if the malady were not classed among those which are strangest and most interesting. The rarity of the disease also leads me to report three cases, which have come under my care within the past year; a goodly number, it appears, to fall to the lot of one observer in so short a period. Two of them are clinic patients, the observations being made in the service of Professor Fordyce, at the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College; the third is a private case. Sporadic cases have been recorded by Unna, Juliusburg, Jadassohn, 1 Meneau, 2 Broeq and others on the Continent; by Crocker, 3 Little, Galloway, Fox, and Macleod, in England, and
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