Civil law standards of medical treatment

Autor: Hrvoje Vojković
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
Volume 56
Issue 3
ISSN: 1847-0459
Popis: Istražujući građanskopravni standard obavljanja medicinskog tretmana nastojalo se utvrditi može li se medicinska usluga kvalitativno ili na drugi način diferencirati s obzirom na dob ili spol pacijenta ili se jedinstveno primjenjuje u svojoj punini uz neke specifičnosti. Medicinski standard iskazuje se u dimenziji temeljnog ili osnovnog standarda koji pretpostavlja primjenu jednoznačnih pravila kojih se mora pridržavati svaki liječnik, ali istovremeno u medicinski standard spadaju i svi drugi postupci liječnika koji su rezultat novijih znanstveno-medicinskih spoznaja i primjenjuju se u širem krugu profesionalne zajednice. Pri obavljanju medicinskog postupka liječnik je dužan postupati s pažnjom koja se traži za osobe koje pripadaju istom profesionalnom krugu. Sukladno tome, hrvatsko pozitivno pravo od liječnika traži da postupa prema standardu dobrog, a ne tek prosječnog stručnjaka, a povredu tako nametnutog profesionalnog standarda određuje kao štetnu radnju s obilježjem protupravnosti u subjektivnom smislu.
Having researched the civil law standard in providing medical treatment, an endeavor was made to assert whether a medical service can be distinguished in qualitative or other terms with respect to a patient’s age or sex, or whether it is uniquely and comprehensively administered subject to certain specifics. The medical standard is expressed in the dimension of the fundamental or basic standard which presumes application of precise rules and adhered to by every physician, but at the same time the medical standard also includes other procedures by physicians resulting in newer scientific and medical discoveries and are applied in a wider context of the professional community. When administering a medical procedure, the physician is obliged to act with care as is sought for persons who belong to the same professional circle of people. Accordingly, Croatian law requires that physicians act according to the standard of what is good, and not as merely an average professional, whereas a breach of such an imposed professional standard is determined as a harmful action characterized as unlawful in a subjective sense.
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