Synthesis and biological evaluation of branched and conformationally restricted analogs of the anticancer compounds 3′-C-ethynyluridine (EUrd) and 3′-C-ethynylcytidine (ECyd)

Autor: Jesper Wengel, Flemming Gundorph Hansen, Jan Stenvang Jepsen, Claus J. Nielsen, Nicolai K. Andersen, Patrick J. Hrdlicka, Kim F. Haselmann
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Hrdlicka, P J, Andersen, N K, Jepsen, J S, Hansen, F G, Haselmann, K, Nielsen, C & Wengel, J 2005, ' Synthesis and biological evaluation of branched and conformationally restricted analogs of the anticancer compounds 3'-C-ethynyluridine (EUrd) and 3'-C-ethynylcytidine (ECyd) ', Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 2597-2621 .
ISSN: 0968-0896
Popis: The synthesis of branched and conformationally restricted analogs of the anticancer nucleosides 3′-C-ethynyluridine (EUrd) and 3′-C-ethynylcytidine (ECyd) is presented. Molecular modeling and 1H NMR coupling constant analysis revealed that the furanose rings of all analogs except the LNA analog are conformationally biased towards South conformation, and are thus mimicking the structure of ECyd. All target nucleosides were devoid of anti-HIV or anticancer activity.
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