Assessing Miles and Snow Typology through the Lens of Managerial Discretion: How National-Level Discretion Impact Firms Strategic Orientation

Autor: Moustafa Salman Haj Youssef, I. Christodoulou
Jazyk: angličtina
ISSN: 2330-5495
Popis: Studies on the implications of managerial discretion have mainly focused on the firm, executive or industry levelattributes. Little work has tackled the national-level aspect of this construct and its potential implication on firmstrategies. We seek to theoretically establish an association between the construct of managerial discretion and firmstrategic orientation from a national-level. Our theoretical analysis strongly suggests that the degree of managerialdiscretion available to executives in each country could have a strong influence on companies’ competitive strategy.We contribute to the strategic management field and the discretion literature by uncovering new national-levelimplications.
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