Impact of Somatosensory Training on Neural and Functional Recovery of Lower Extremity in Patients with Chronic Stroke: A Single Blind Controlled Randomized Trial

Autor: Hager R Elserougy, Hoda M. Zakaria, Noha F. Mahmoud, Nisreen Naser Al Awaji, Reem M Alwhaibi, Mye A. Basheer, Mahmoud Y Elzanaty, Walaa M. Ragab
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol 18, Iss 583, p 583 (2021)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Volume 18
Issue 2
ISSN: 1661-7827
Popis: Recovery of lower extremity (LE) function in chronic stroke patients is considered a barrier to community reintegration. An adequate training program is required to improve neural and functional performance of the affected LE in chronic stroke patients. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of somatosensory rehabilitation on neural and functional recovery of LE in stroke patients. Thirty male and female patients were recruited and randomized to equal groups: control group (GI) and intervention group (GII). All patients were matched for age, duration of stroke, and degree of motor impairment of the affected LE. Both groups received standard program of physical therapy in addition to somatosensory rehabilitation for GII. The duration of treatment for both groups was eight consecutive weeks. Outcome measures used were Functional Independent Measure (FIM) and Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG), obtained pre- and post-treatment. A significant improvement was found in the FIM scores of the intervention group (GII), as compared to the control group (GI) (p <
0.001). Additionally, QEEG scores improved within the intervention group post-treatment. QEEG scores did not improve within the control group post-treatment, except for &ldquo
compared to pretreatment, with no significant difference between groups. Adding somatosensory training to standard physical therapy program results in better improvement of neuromuscular control of LE function in chronic stroke patients.
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