DEG10 contributes to mitochondrial proteostasis, root growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis

Autor: Laxmi S. Mishra, Christiane Funk, Catharina Victoria Huber, Stefan Niedermaier, Pitter F. Huesgen, Iwona Adamska, Dietmar Funck, Barbara D. Jakobs, Gudrun Winter, Marc Stift
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
0106 biological sciences
0301 basic medicine
is required for optimal root development and ed set under challenging environmental conditions
Plant Science
lack of DEG10 caused a decrease in seed production. ken together
01 natural sciences
Plant Roots
03 medical and health sciences
temperature stress
seed yield
and thus ntributes to stress tolerance of plants
Deg proteases
especially at elevated temperature. Quantitative proteome alysis revealed concomitant changes in the abundance of mitochondrial spiratory chain components and assembly factors
Arabidopsis thaliana
Heat-Shock Proteins
Serine Endopeptidases
GFP fusion proteins and immunoblotting after cell actionation showed an unambiguous subcellular localization exclusively mitochondria. DEG10 promoter:GUS fusion constructs showed that DEG10 expressed in trichomes but also in the vascular tissue of roots and oveground organs. DEG10 loss-of-function mutants were impaired in root ongation [which has homologs in all photosynthetic eukaryotes. Both pression of DEG10]
which partially peared to depend on altered mitochondrial retrograde signaling. Under eld conditions
Subcellular localization
our findings demonstrate that DEG10 affects tochondrial proteostasis
Research Papers
Cell biology
030104 developmental biology
Mitochondrial respiratory chain
Plant—Environment Interactions
Retrograde signaling
Periplasmic Proteins
Deg proteases
seed yield
temperature stress

010606 plant biology & botany
Zdroj: The journal of experimental botany 70(19), 5423–5436 (2019). doi:10.1093/jxb/erz294
Journal of Experimental Botany
Popis: Maintaining mitochondrial proteome integrity is especially important under stress conditions to ensure a continued ATP supply for protection and adaptation responses in plants. Deg/HtrA proteases are important factors in the cellular protein quality control system, but little is known about their function in mitochondria. Here we analyzed the expression pattern and physiological function of Arabidopsis thaliana DEG10, which has homologs in all photosynthetic eukaryotes. Both expression of DEG10:GFP fusion proteins and immunoblotting after cell fractionation showed an unambiguous subcellular localization exclusively in mitochondria. DEG10 promoter:GUS fusion constructs showed that DEG10 is expressed in trichomes but also in the vascular tissue of roots and aboveground organs. DEG10 loss-of-function mutants were impaired in root elongation, especially at elevated temperature. Quantitative proteome analysis revealed concomitant changes in the abundance of mitochondrial respiratory chain components and assembly factors, which partially appeared to depend on altered mitochondrial retrograde signaling. Under field conditions, lack of DEG10 caused a decrease in seed production. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that DEG10 affects mitochondrial proteostasis, is required for optimal root development and seed set under challenging environmental conditions, and thus contributes to stress tolerance of plants.
The protease DEG10 is located in mitochondria and contributes to mitochondrial proteostasis. Mutants lacking DEG10 showed impaired root development under temperature stress and reduced seed production in the field.
Databáze: OpenAIRE