The human Y chromosome homologue of XG: transcription of a naturally truncated gene

Autor: Nathan A. Ellis, Ricky Critcher, Peter N. Goodfellow, James German, Polly A. Weller
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Human Molecular Genetics. 4:859-868
ISSN: 1460-2083
Popis: The XG blood group gene spans PABX1, the pseudo-autosomal boundary on the X chromosome. The firstthree exons are pseudoautosomal and the remainingseven are X-speciflc. On the Y chromosome SRY andRPS4Y are located In Y-speclfic sequences within70 kb of the boundary. Transcription from the XGpromoter on the Y chromosome has been detectedby cDNA cloning and PCR-based methods. Splicingof the pseudoautosomal exon 3 of XG occurs tomultiple sites in Y-speciflc sequences. Transcriptsdetected include antlsense SRY sequences andXG-RPS4Yhybrid transcripts. The heterogeneity andlow abundance of transcripts as well as the lack ofmaintenance of the XG open reading frame in all butone transcript argue against a specific Y-chromosomegene product. An expressed pseudogene of XG,XGPY, has been mapped to interval Yq11.21. XGPYis transcribed and subject to alternative splicing.Sequence comparison suggests that XGPVoriginatedfrom XG by a gene duplication event In the primatelineage.INTRODUCTIONThe pseudoautosomal region is composed of sequences thatare shared by the X and Y chromosomes, and crossing overoccurs between these sequences during male meiosis (1,2).One pseudoautosomal region, PAR], is situated at the distalends of the short arms of the X and Y chromosomes (see ref.3, for review), and a second pseudoautosomal region is situatedat the distal ends of the X and Y chromosome long arms (4).The pseudoautosomal boundary {PABXY1) is defined as thejunction of pseudoautosomal and sex chromosome-specificsequences, and it marks the proximal limit of PAR] beyondwhich male recombination does not normally occur. At thepseudoautosomal boundary there is an abrupt transition fromthe homologous sequences in PAR] to non-homologoussequences in the X- and Y-specific regions (5).The polymorphic blood group gene XG, which maps to thedistal part of the X-specific region of Xp (6,7), encodesthe cell surface antigen Xg
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