Autor: Nursel Akkaya, Berna Çağirankaya, Sema Dural
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Volume: 29, Issue: 4 667-675
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi
ISSN: 1300-9044
Popis: Hareketli protez kullanimi ile iliskili oral mukoza lezyonlarina protez kullanan hastalarin yaklasik %50’sinde rastlanmaktadir. Bu lezyonlardan bazilari enfeksiyoz orijinlidir. Cesitli lokal ve sistemik risk faktorleri bu lezyonlarin gelisimine katkida bulunabilmektedir. Risk faktorleri; hatali ya da doku uyumu bozuk protezlerin oral mukozada yol actigi travmatik yaralanma, kotu agiz ve protez hijyeni, protezlerin devamli kullanilmasi, protezlerin uzun yillar kullanilmasini icerir. Ilac tedavileri, sistemik hastaliklar ve beslenme bozukluklari gibi diger risk faktorleri de lezyonlarin gelisimini ve siddetini etkileyebilir. Yasli hastalar bu lezyonlarin ortaya cikmasina daha yatkindirlar. Lezyonlar genellikle asemptomatik oldugu icin, intraoral muayene sirasinda tesadufi bir bulgu olarak saptanir. Hareketli protez kullanimina bagli oral mukoza lezyonlari; protez stomatiti, angular selitis, mesnetsiz kret, epulis fissuratum, fibroepitelyal polip, travmatik ulser, travmatik fibrom, friksiyonel keratozis ve oral karsinomdur. Protezlerin oral mukozada olusturdugu kronik travmanin mukozayi oral ve orofaringeal karsinom gelisimine yatkin hale getirebildigine dair kanitlar vardir. Bu lezyonlarin onlenmesi icin hastalarin protezlerin hijyeninin onemi, protez kullanimina iliskin onerilere uyulmasi konularinda bilgilendirilmeleri gereklidir. Protez kullanan hastalar oral mukoza lezyonlari ve protezlerin degerlendirilmesi icin duzenli olarak kontrollere cagirilmalidirlar. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hareketli protez, oral mukoza lezyonlari, protez stomatiti, travmatik ulser, oral karsinoma Removable denture-related oral mucosal lesions and risk factors Removable denture-related oral mucosal lesions are encountered in almost half of the denture wearers. Some of these lesions have an infectious origin. Several local and systemic risk factors may contribute to development of the lesions. Predisposing factors include chronic traumatic injury of oral mucosa caused by defective or ill-fitting dentures, poor oral and denture hygiene, continual wearing of dentures, increasing age of the denture. Other risk factors such as medications, systemic diseases, malnutrition may also effect the development and severity of the lesions. Elderly patients are more prone to occurrence of these lesions. Since the lesions are usually asymptomatic, they are discovered as an incidental finding in intraoral examination. Removable denture-related oral mucosal lesions include denture stomatis angular cheilits flabby ridge epulis fissuratum fibroepithelial polyp, traumatic ulcers tratumatic fibroma fractional keratosis and oral carcinoma here are evidences that chronic trauma of the oral mucosa by denture may predispose mucosa to the development of oral and oropharenyngeal carcinomas. In order to prevent of these lesions, patients should be informed about the importance of denture hygiene and to follow the instructions related to denture usage. Denture wearers should be recalled regularly for the evaluation of oral mucosal lesions and dentures. Key Words: Removable denture, oral mucosal lesions, denture stomatitis, traumatic ulcer, oral carcinoma
Databáze: OpenAIRE