Neo-Industrial and Sustainable Development of Russia as Mineral Resources Exploiting Country

Autor: Olga Zhironkina, Magerram Ali Ogly Gasanov, Felix Agafonov, Marina Prokudina, Oksana Kalinina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: E3S Web of Conferences, Vol 21, p 04003 (2017)
ISSN: 2267-1242
Popis: In the Russian economy, the world leadership in the extraction of different mineral resources is combined with the potential for their processing and a significant scientific sector. Innovative development of raw materials extraction is impossible without the parallel technological modernization of the high-tech sector. In general, the complex of these processes is a neo-industrialization of the economy. Neo-industrially oriented transformation of the economy reflects complex changes in its structure, the transformation of established stable relationships between various elements of the system of social production that determine macroeconomic proportions. Neo-industrial transformations come along with the modification of economic relations associated with investments, innovations, labor and income distribution, with the process of locating productive forces and regulating the economy by the government. Neo-industrialization of economy is not only significant changes in its technological and reproductive structure (the development of high-tech industries, the integration of science and industry), but, above all, the implementation of a system structural policy of innovative development of raw material industry and the recovery of manufacturing industries on a new technological basis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE