Proteinuria after Albumin Infusion in Patients with Renal Disease

Autor: Becker El, Marchena C
Rok vydání: 1968
Zdroj: Experimental Biology and Medicine. 129:951-954
ISSN: 1535-3699
Popis: SummaryStudies were carried out in nine patients with massive proteinuria. The selectivity of the kidney in excreting six protein fractions was determined by an immunoprecipitation technique using specific antisera to orosomucoid, albumin, transferrin, seven-S, gamma-A, and alpha-2-M. These patients were given an intravenous infusion of salt-poor albumin and while the total amount of protein in the urine did increase, the protein selectivity pattern was constant before, during, and after the albumin infusion. While the exact mechanism of this proteinuria is not understood, possible explanations are given, with the net effect probably resulting from a critical glomerular-tubular balance. This balance has to do with glomerular loss of protein and tubular reabsorption or rejection of the filtered protein.
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