Expression of the gene encoding secretor type galactoside 2 ? fucosyltransferase (FUT2) and ABH antigens in patients with oral lesions

Autor: Amelia Racca, Claudia Biondi, Carlos Campi, Carlos Cotorruelo, Livia Escovich, Liliana Racca, Alejandra Moreno
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Campi, Carlos ; Escovich, Livia ; Moreno, Alejandra ; Racca, Liliana ; Racca, Amelia ; Cotorruelo, Carlos ; Biondi, Claudia. Expression of the gene encoding secretor type galactoside 2 ? fucosyltransferase (FUT2) and ABH antigens in patients with oral lesions. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 17 1 2012: 20
RODERIC. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat de Valéncia
Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal
Popis: Objective: The aim of this work was to evaluate the expression of FUT2 gene in saliva and histo ABH antigens of patients with oral lesions. Study Design: In total 178 subjects were examined, half of whom suffered from oral pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions, while the other half were the healthy control group We analyzed the FUT 2 polymorphism by ASO-PCR (allele specific oligonucleotid – polymerase chain reaction) with specific primers for G428 allele and the wild type allele of FUT2 gene. To reveal A, B and H antigens in tissue sections of the patients (n= 89) we used a modified specific red cell adherence technique. Results: We found a high intensity of oral disease in the non-secretor group (OR = 2.43). A total of 58% of the patients with oral pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions was non secretors (se_/_), in contrast with the healthy population (21.5%). A strongly positive reaction was defined as a sheet of indicator erythrocytes adhered to the epithelial cells. In 31 of the 54 samples analyzed the test showed slightly positive results on atypical areas, and there was a complete antigen deletion in areas affected by neoplasia. Nineteen samples showed a total absence of ABH antigens in both histologically normal and pathological areas. Blood group antigens were expressed at a high level in benign and highly differentiated malignant tumors. In poorly differentiated malignant tumors, they were mostly absent. Conclusion: Considering these results we suggest the use of this method to monitor probable preneoplastic lesions in risk population, especially in those with no secretor status (absence of FUT2 gene). Key words: FUT2 gene, ABH antigens, secretor status, oral lesions.
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