Dirakův kužel a pseudogapped hustota stavů v topologické polovině Heuslerovy sloučeniny YPtBi

Autor: Stanislav Chadov, R. Wallauer, Sergey V. Chernov, Andreas Kronenberg, Jürgen Braun, Gerd Schönhense, Hubert Ebert, D. Kutnyakhov, Anna V. Zaporozhchenko, Katerina Medjanik, Mathias Kläui, Martin Jourdan, Jan Minár, Hans-Joachim Elmers
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Physical Review B. 94
ISSN: 2469-9969
Popis: Topologické izolátory (Tis) jsou zajímavé materiály, které vykazují nebývalé vlastnosti. . Zde jsme prozkoumali sloučeniny YPtBi jako příklad ze třídy polovu-Heuslerových materiálů. Topological insulators (TIs) are exciting materials, which exhibit unprecedented properties, such as helical spinmomentum locking, which leads to large torques for magnetic switching and highly efficient spin current detection. Here we explore the compound YPtBi, an example from the class of half-Heusler materials, for which the typical band inversion of topological insulators was predicted. We prepared this material as thin films by conventional cosputtering from elementary targets. By in situ time-of-flight momentum microscopy, a Dirac conelike surface state with a Dirac point 300 meV below the Fermi energy was observed, in agreement with electronic structure-photoemission calculations. Only little additional spectral weight due to other states was observed at EF , which corroborates the identification of the topologically protected surface state and is highly relevant for spintronics applications.
Databáze: OpenAIRE