Policies and Services in the Reading Room

Autor: J Dunlop
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: ESARBICA Journal: Journal of the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives; Vol 28 (2009)
ISSN: 0376-4753
Popis: Policies and services in archival reading rooms in South African university libraries were studied by means of a survey. Ten reading rooms were asked to answer ten questions regarding access to and services in the reading room. It was found that South African archival reading room policies agree on basic principles such as the prohibition of food, drink and the use of cell phones. Differences exist in policies around access to digitised copies of archival documents, the use of gloves in handling photographs and documents, costs of photocopying and scanning of photographs and documents and in the use of portable digital devices for copying of photographs and documents. Further study is necessary on the use of gloves in the reading room and the use of personal scanners and digital cameras. A more in-depth study is necessary in order to standardise charges for services.
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