Borna disease virus and psychiatry

Autor: O. Taieb, A. M. Fillet, P. Mazet, J. M. Baleyte
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: European Psychiatry. 16:3-10
ISSN: 1778-3585
Popis: Borna disease virus (BDV), a noncytolytic neurotropic nonsegmented negative-stranded RNA virus with a wide geographic distribution, infects several vertebrate animal species and causes an immune-mediated central nervous system (CNS) disease with various manifestations, depending on both host and viral factors. In animal infections, BDV can persist in the CNS and induce alterations in brain cell functions, neurodevelopmental abnormalities and behavioral disturbances. An association between BDV and psychiatric disorders (essentially schizophrenia and affective disorders) has been suggested by some serologic and molecular studies but further investigations are required to substantiate the possible contribution of this virus to the pathogenesis of these disorders.
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