Claudin-6, 7, or 9 Overexpression in the Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cell Line AGS Increases Its Invasiveness, Migration, and Proliferation Rate

Autor: Berenice Salas-Morales, Erika P. Rendón-Huerta, Ana C. Torres-Martínez, Veronica Elizabeth Zavala-Zendejas, Teresa I. Fortoul, Luis F. Montaño
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Cancer Investigation. 29:1-11
ISSN: 1532-4192
DOI: 10.3109/07357907.2010.512594
Popis: Altered claudin expression is related to metastatic potential, poor prognosis, or tumor recurrence. We analyzed if the overexpression of claudin-6, claudin-7, or claudin-9 in AGS cells altered cell motility, invasiveness, or proliferation rate. Claudin-7, claudin-9, and claudin-6 enhanced their invasive potential by 3.4-fold, 1.6-fold, and 2.0-fold, respectively. Claudin-6 and claudin-9 enhanced cell migration, while the proliferation rate of claudin-6-, claudin-7-, and claudin-9-transfected cells increased by 12.7%, 9.0%, and 13.3%, respectively. Claudin-7 and claudin-9 overexpression increased claudin-1 and zonula occludens-1 levels. In summary, individual increased expression of claudin-6, claudin-7, or claudin-9 is sufficient to enhance tumorigenic properties of a gastric adenocarcinoma cell line.
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