A Critical Review of Sharing Economy in Tourism

Autor: Roberto Micera, Piera Buonincontri
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: The Sharing Economy and the Tourism Industry ISBN: 9781915097064
The Sharing Economy and the Tourism Industry: Perspectives, Opportunities and challenges, edited by Roya Rahimi, Babak Taheri, Dimitrios Buhalis, pp. 57–76, 2022
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Roberto Micera, Piera Buonincontri/titolo:A critical review of sharing economy in tourism/titolo_volume:The Sharing Economy and the Tourism Industry: Perspectives, Opportunities and challenges/curatori_volume:Roya Rahimi, Babak Taheri, Dimitrios Buhalis/editore:/anno:2022
Popis: On the basis of World Economic Forum data, the phenomenon of the sharing economy has continued to grow since 2013. It is estimated that by 2025 the value of this phenomenon will reach 335 billion dollars (PwC, 2017). Most of this growth will depend on the tourism sector, in which the sharing economy can be a valid alternative to professional tourism services (Tussyadiah & Pesonen, 2018; Tussyadiah & Zach, 2017; Farmaki et al, 2020; Sarlay & Neuhofer, 2020). Compared to the past, today’s tourists demand more individual and authentic experiences, stronger relationships with the local community, and an active participation. To respond to these needs, online sharing platforms have become relevant, especially in the accommodation and transport fields, where individuals can access resources directly from other individuals, either for free or for fee (Sthapit & Björk, 2019). Despite the wide potential of the sharing economy in tourism, the phenomenon is still little understood and the scientific contributions, largely fragmented, do not provide a clear definition of the functioning of the online peer-to-peer platforms and do not examine in depth all the consequences of its spread in the sector (Dolnicar, 2020a). Starting from these considerations, a systematic review of the literature on the sharing economy in tourism was conducted. The purpose was to obtain information about the main trends, the main authors involved in the topic, the methodologies used, and the main qualitative or quantitative methods used in research. The core contributions, the main themes, and the key emerging themes are also investigated.
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