Larva migrans cutánea: diagnóstico de sospecha y tratamiento en Atención Primaria

Autor: M. L. Pascual Martín, María Varela Cerdeira, C. S. Varela Castro
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Medifam v.12 n.10 2002
SciELO España. Revistas Científicas Españolas de Ciencias de la Salud
Popis: Cutaneous larva migrans is a clinical term that designates a dermal eruption of lineal and serpigi nous character, caused by larvas of nematelmintos worms. Some authors make it synonymous of serpi ginous eruption (creeping eruption). The A n c y l o stoma Braziliense is the origin of the most fre q u e n t and the most clinically characteristic larva mi grans. It is observed, mainly, in central and South America, and in the southern states of United Sta tes. Given the high incidence of leisure trips in our e n v i ronment, the frequency of this parasitic disease has been increased in our consultations and since its diagnosis is fundamentally clinical, it is advisa ble its knowledge in Primary Health Care.
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