The automodulating mode of crystallization in the technology of low-temperature synthesis of GахIn1-хР- GaAs heterostructures

Autor: P.P. Moskvin, S.I. Skurativskyi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Vìsnik Žitomirsʹkogo Deržavnogo Tehnologìčnogo Unìversitetu: Tehnìčnì Nauki, Vol 2, Iss 82, Pp 232-240 (2018)
ISSN: 1728-4260
Popis: The Cahn-Hillard equation, previously obtained for describing the process of decomposition of metallic substitution solid solutions, is adapted to describe the process of spinodal decomposition of semiconductor solid solutions of the form V C III B X III AX 1 . The obtained differential equation for the decomposition of material is used to describe the effect of composition modulation, which is observed during the synthesis of GахIn1-хР-GaAs heterostructures. These heterocompositions are used as active media of modern optoelectronic devices. Numerical simulations of the process of spinodal decomposition of the material has been performed. It is found the intervals for thermodynamic parameters of the technological process of structure synthesis, in which the effect of composition modulation should appear most clearly. The results of quantitative analysis are compared with experimental data.
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