Additional file 8 of Gorham-Stout case report: a multi-omic analysis reveals recurrent fusions as new potential drivers of the disease

Autor: Yébenes Mayordomo, Marcos, Al Shboul, Sofian, Gómez-Herranz, Maria, Azfer, Asim, Meynert, Alison, Salter, Donald, Hayward, Larry, Oniscu, Anca, Patton, James T., Hupp, Ted, Arends, Mark J., Alfaro, Javier Antonio
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.20013132
Popis: Additional file8: Figure S4. Gene fusion between ATG101 and SLC4A8 detected in Gorham-Stout patient. RNA evidence reads: 118 encompasing and 138 spanning reads. DNA evidence reads: 411 encompassing and 139 spanning reads in Gorham-Stout tissue. 0 reads found in normal tissue.
Databáze: OpenAIRE