[Adrenal glands stem cells: general signaling pathways]

Autor: O. V. Glazova, M. V. Vorontsova, L. V. Shevkova, N. Sakr, N. A. Onyanov, S. A. Kaziakhmedova, P. Y. Volchkov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Problemy endokrinologii. 67(6)
ISSN: 2308-1430
Popis: Nowadays stem cells of adult type are attractive in case of active development of cell and genome technologies. They are the target of new therapeutic approaches, which are based on correction of mutations or replenishment of organs, that were damaged by autoimmune reactions, aging or other pathological processes. Also stem cells, including patient-specific (induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, iPSCs), and obtained by differentiation from them tissue cultures and organoids are the closest models to in vivo researches on humans, which gives an opportunity to get more relevant data while testing different therapeutic approaches and pharmacological drugs. The main molecular pathways, that are essential for homeostasis of a cortex of a adrenal gland — compound, structurally and functionally heterogeneous organ, is described the presented review. The adrenal cortex is renewing during the organism’s ontogenesis at the expense of the pool of stem and progenitors cells, which are in tight junctions with differentiated steroidogenic cells and which are under constant control of endocrine and paracrine signals. The understanding of signaling pathways and interactions of different cell types will give an opportunity to develop the most suitable protocols for obtaining cells of adrenal gland cortex in a different stages of differentiation to use them in scientific and medical purposes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE