Extra-tongue oral granular cell tumor : histological and immunohistochemical aspect

Autor: Martins-Mussi Mc, Bruno Tavares Sedassari, Fernanda Mombrini Pigatti, Orsini-Machado de Sousa Sc, Priscila Lie Tobouti
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Tobouti, Priscila Lie ; Pigatti, Fernanda Mombrini ; Martins Mussi, Maria Carolina ; Sedassari, Bruno Tavares ; Sousa, Suzana COM de. Extra-tongue oral granular cell tumor : histological and immunohistochemical aspect. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 22 1 2017: 6
RODERIC. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat de Valéncia
Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal
Popis: Background Granular cell tumor (GCT) is an uncommon benign tumor founded in any part of the body but mainly in the tongue. Extra-tongue oral granular cell tumor (ETOGCT) is rare with few cases reported. Here we describe seven cases of oral GCT located in sites other then the tongue and discuss histopathological and immunohistochemical differences between differential diagnoses. Material and Methods We retrieved all cases diagnosed with oral granular cell tumor, from the Oral Pathology Service at the School of Dentistry/ University of São Paulo, and excluded the ones sited in the tongue. Immunohistochemical staining anti-S100 was also performed. Results The presented cases of Extra-tongue Oral Granular Cell Tumor (ETOGT) are composed by granular cells with intimately association with the adjacent tissue. Atypia and mitoses were not seen, and in most cases, the typical pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia was not observed. Conclusions The importance of an adequate attention is to avoid misdiagnoses, since ETOGT is rare and the tricking histopathological findings could induce to it. All the cases can be differentiated from the tumors that has a granular cell proliferation through a morphological analysis and when needed, immunohistochemistry stain. Key words:Abrikossoff`s tumor, granular cell tumor, oral cavity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE