Left ventricular function in ischaemic heart disease. A review

Autor: M. J. Raphael, R. E. Steiner, John F. Goodwin, H. N. Khattri, B. Sharma
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Postgraduate Medical Journal. 54:16-25
ISSN: 1469-0756
DOI: 10.1136/pgmj.54.627.16
Popis: Summary The clinical significance of the abnormalities seen at left ventriculography in ischaemic heart disease is discussed. Aneurysms may be recognized when left ventriculography is combined with coronary arteriography to show the characteristic obliteration of the supplying artery. Localized areas of abnormal contraction seen at rest are almost certainly indicative of infarcts. Similar areas provoked by exercise or atrial pacing represent the site of acute ischaemia. The ischaemic ventricle may be recognized by abnormal response to exercise, even in the absence of angina. The abnormal response may be reversed by successful revascularization surgery.
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