»Rasuta bašćina«: slučaj Hrvatskog pjevačkog društva »Kolo«

Autor: Ivana Klajzner
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Arti Musices, Vol 51, Iss 1, Pp 83-94 (2020)
Arti musices : hrvatski muzikološki zbornik
Volume 51
Issue 1
ISSN: 0587-5455
DOI: 10.21857/ygjwrcd1jy
Popis: Hrvatsko pjevačko društvo »Kolo« bilo je važan čimbenik u kulturnom, društvenom i umjetničkom životu Zagreba i Hrvatske. Nakon raspuštanja Društva 1948. njihova je ostavština spletom okolnosti razjedinjena i danas se čuva u nekoliko institucija. Najveći dio ostavštine nalazi se u Državnom arhivu u Zagrebu, a velika zbirka notnih materijala Društva pohranjena je u Hrvatskom glazbenom zavodu. U Hrvatskom državnom arhivu također postoji zbirka notnih materijala »Kola«, no nije moguće sa sigurnošću utvrditi koji su materijali iz zbirke doista pripadali »Kolu«. Taj je fond pristigao otkupom od Antikvarijata Nakladnog zavoda Matice hrvatske pod nazivom »Zbirka muzikalia«, ostavština dr. Stjepana Tomaša, a navedeno je kako zbirka sadrži dio ostavštine »Kola«. Najnoviji podatci ukazuju i na lokaciju Hrvatskog športskog muzeja kao imatelja dijela ostavštine Društva. Ti materijali nisu izdvojeni kao zaseban fond »Kola«, već se nalaze unutar zbirke ostavštine posljednjeg tajnika Društva Većeslava Zrnca.
The Croatian Singing Society »Kolo« was an important factor in the cultural, social and artistic life of Zagreb and Croatia. After the suspension of the »Kolo« Society in 1948, its legacy was divided. Nowadays certain parts of it are stored in a few institutions. The largest part of their legacy is stored in the State Archives in Zagreb and contains various documentation relating to the Society’s work and activities. The most part of the Society’s sheet music is stored at the Croatian Music Institute. The Croatian State Archives also has a collection which may contain a part of the legacy of the »Kolo« Society. However, it is not possible to determine which parts of the collection can be attributed to »Kolo« itself, and which to other, previous owners. The collection was purchased from the Antique store of the Matrix Croatia (Matica hrvatska) Publishing Institute, where it was kept under the name »Zbirka muzikalia« (»Music collection«) – the legacy of Dr. Stjepan Tomaš. According to the latest information, some materials from the legacy of the Society are stored at the Croatian Sports Museum as a part of the legacy of Većeslav Zrnc, the last secretary of the Society, who was also an ardent member of the Croatian Sport Society »Sokol«. The most part of the legacy of the »Kolo« Society has been arranged and catalogued. Since the materials from the Croatian Sports Museum have not yet been arranged, they are still not included in the comprehensive list of the Society’s legacy.
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