Countercurve Placement of Conchal Cartilage Grafts Used for Correction of Nasal Tip Deformities

Autor: Tracy S. Harvey, Richard C. Hagerty, Stephen J Mittelstaedt, Alan S. Harmatz, Le Phong Vu
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Annals of Plastic Surgery. 59:566-568
ISSN: 0148-7043
DOI: 10.1097/
Popis: A novel, straightforward technique which we have used in 7 patients and developed over the past 2 years is presented for help with the correction of nasal tip deformities, lack of nasal tip projection, and dome symmetry using conchal cartilage. Procedures to correct these problems include, but are not limited to, early open rhinoplasties with direct suturing techniques, grafting with cartilage, mobilization of the nasal cartilage, and nasoalveolar molding. We present a simple technique utilizing mature conchal cartilage as a columella strut with a lateral extension that curves over the misshapen side. Using the graft in a unique countercurve placement takes advantage of the structural memory intrinsic to mature cartilage and uses this springlike property to enhance tip projection and support lower lateral cartilage. The keys are (1) adequate mobilization of the nasal cartilage, (2) careful dissection of the pocket, (3) countercurve placement of the conchal cartilage.
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