Opstrukcija tankog creva ždrebadi askarididama posle dehelmintizacije ivermektinom - prikaz slučaja

Autor: Ljubica Spasojevic-Kosic, R Dragisa Trailovic, Saša Lauš
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 69, Iss 3-4, Pp 293-301 (2015)
Veterinarski Glasnik
ISSN: 2406-0771
Popis: High intensity of infection with ascaridida Parascaris equorum can lead to intraluminal obstruction of the ileum in foals, especially during the first dehelmintisation (during and after weaning), more rarely in older ones. Bowel obstruction is followed by strong colic pain and shock, which inevitably leads to death, especially in cases when an adequate therapy is not taken on time. The paper describes four cases of small intestine obstruction with ascarididae in foals of American trotter race, provoked by an antiparasitic agent. The first symptoms appeared about twenty hours after the treatment with antiparasitic. Two of the foals have been cured with medicament therapy, one died, and in one case there was taken surgery in field conditions. Visok intenzitet infekcije askarididom Parascaris equorum može da dovede do intraluminalne opstrukcije ileuma kod ždrebadi, naročito tokom prve dehelmintizacije (u vreme i nakon odbijanja), ređe kod starijih jedinki. Opstrukciju creva prate jaki količni bolovi i šok, koji neminovno dovodi do uginuća, naročito u slučajevima kada adekvatna terapija nije preduzeta na vreme. U radu su opisana četiri slučaja opstrukcije tankog creva askarididama kod ždrebadi rase američki kasač, koja je bila isprovocirana antiparazitikom. Prvi simptomi su se pojavili dvadesetak sati od tretmana antiparazitikom. Dva ždrebeta su izlečena uz medikamentoznu terapiju, jedno je uginulo, pri čemu je u jednom slučaju preduzeta hirurška intervencija u terenskim uslovima.
Databáze: OpenAIRE