Utilization of Hydrolyzed Sucrose Polyester (Olestra) in Broiler Diets

Autor: M. H. Adams, P. W. Waldroup
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Poultry Science. 74:957-967
ISSN: 0032-5791
DOI: 10.3382/ps.0740957
Popis: Three experiments were conducted in which hydrolyzed olestra (HO) and hydrolyzed olestra manufacturing by-product (HBP) were compared with corn oil (CO) and a feed-grade hydrolyzed animal-vegetable fat blend (AVF) as fat supplements in diets for broilers. Various blends of HO and HBP with AVF and other fat sources were also evaluated. Results of these experiments indicate that HO or HBP may be used as energy sources in broiler diets. Use of these materials as the sole source of supplemental fat often reduced body weight gain and impaired feed utilization as compared with CO or AVF; however, when used as a component of a blended fat product typical of industry supplements, there was little if any adverse effect on live performance. Carcass fatty acid content was a reflection of dietary fat content. If the blend of fats containing HO or HBP contains a suitable ratio of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, the product should be an acceptable source of supplemental energy in broiler diets.
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