Use of computerized prenatal interviews for assessing high-risk behaviors among American Indians

Autor: Lapham Sc, Henley E, Skipper Bj
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: American Indian and Alaska native mental health research : journal of the National Center. 8(1)
ISSN: 0893-5394
Popis: The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes among American Indians and to compare self-reported information collected under two computer interview conditions: an "anonymous" (N = 183) versus a "confidential" (N = 210) format. Results indicated that under 10% in both groups reported either use of cigarettes or other drugs of abuse, 16% reported risky drinking, 39% reported psychological distress, and 8% reported physical abuse during the current pregnancy. We concluded that confidential computer interviews were appropriate vehicles for obtaining risk information in this population.
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