Modification of the Boyden chamber to improve uniformity of cell invasion of matrigel-coated membranes

Autor: Damien G. Harkin, Kelly Bloomfield, Kathryn F. Tonissen, Benjamin Lyle Baldwin
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: BioTechniques. 31(6)
ISSN: 0736-6205
Popis: The ability of cells to invade basement membranes is critical to a number of important biological processes, such as cell metastasis, embryo implantation and early development, and inflammation. Several in vitro invasion assays have been developed so that the invasiveness of cells can be measured.These assays are also used to monitor the altered cell response to stimuli or inhibitors, such as in the evaluation of potential inhibitors of metastasis and other chemotherapeutic drugs. One of the most rapid assays is performed in a modified blind-well Boyden chamber(1,4) containing a filter coated with Matrigel, which is a commercially available reconstituted basement ex-tract from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarmmurine sarcoma (Becton Dickinson,Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). The Matrigel acts as a barrier on the surface of a porous filter, separating cells in one compartment from a chemo attractant in another compartment...
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