Lymph node histology simulating T-cell lymphoma in adult-onset Still's disease

Autor: J.J. Keuning, A. W. A. M. van Rijthoven, L. J. M. Reichert, M. van Beek
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Annals of hematology. 65(1)
ISSN: 0939-5555
Popis: A patient with adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) underwent lymph node biopsy as part of initial evaluation for fever of unknown origin. The lymph node histology showed a massive, diffuse immunoblastic hyperplasia, simulating T-cell lymphoma. This nodal histology differs from rheumatoid arthritis, where mostly a follicular B-cell reaction predominates. Evaluating fever of unknown origin when one is unacquainted with this massive immunoblastic hyperplasia can lead to the wrong diagnosis of T-cell lymphoma in patients with AOSD.
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