Additional file 9: Table S8. of Epigenetic modification with trichostatin A does not correct specific errors of somatic cell nuclear transfer at the transcriptomic level; highlighting the non-random nature of oocyte-mediated reprogramming errors

Autor: Sayyed Hosseini, Dufort, Isabelle, Nieminen, Julie, Moulavi, Fariba, Ghanaei, Hamid, Hajian, Mahdi, Farnoosh Jafarpour, Forouzanfar, Mohsen, Gourbai, Hamid, Abdol Shahverdi, Nasr-Esfahani, Mohammad, Marc-André Sirard
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3612566_d2.v1
Popis: qRT-PCR primers. Sequences (5′–3′) of reverse transcription qRT-PCR-specific primers for candidate genes expressed in bovine embryos. (DOCX 19 kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE