An Optimum Specimen Geometry for Equibiaxial Experimental Tests of Reinforced Magnetorheological Elastomers with Iron Micro- and Nanoparticles

Autor: Mario Regino Moreno-Guerra, Imperio Anel Perales-Martinez, Luis M. Palacios-Pineda, Alex Elías-Zúñiga
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials; Volume 7; Issue 9; Pages: 254
Nanomaterials, Vol 7, Iss 9, p 254 (2017)
ISSN: 2079-4991
Popis: The aim of this paper focused on obtaining the optimum cruciform geometry of reinforced magnetorheological elastomers (MRE) to perform homogeneous equibiaxial deformation tests, by using optimization algorithms and Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations. To validate the proposed specimen geometry, a digital image correlation (DIC) system was used to compare experimental result measurements with respect to those of FEM simulations. Moreover, and based on the optimum cruciform geometry, specimens produced from MRE reinforced with carbonyl-iron microparticles or iron nanoparticles were subjected to equibiaxial loading and unloading cycles to examine their Mullin’s effect and their residual strain deformations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE