Quieter and Greener rotorcraft: concurrent aerodynamic and acoustic optimization

Autor: Wilke, Gunther Andreas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Within the DLR project VicToria an aerodynamic and aero-acoustic optimization of helicopter rotor blades is performed. During the optimization, three independent flight conditions are considered: hover, cruise and descent flight. The first two flight conditions drive the power requirements of the helicopter rotor, while the descent flight is the loudest flight condition for current helicopter generations. To drive down the required power and the emitted noise, a multi-objective design approach coupled with surrogate models is utilized to find a Pareto optimal set of rotors. This approach allows to identify the trade-offs to be made when laying emphasis on either goal function. The underlying CFD simulations utilize fourth-order accurate spatial schemes to capture the vortex dominated flow of helicopter rotor blades. The paper presents the validation of the setups, the optimization results and the off-design analysis of a chosen set of blades from the Pareto front. The conclusion is that the utilization of the Pareto front approach is necessary to find good rotor designs, while the utilization of high-order methods allows for efficient CFD setups.
Databáze: OpenAIRE