Biomimetic Platinum-Promoted Polyene Polycyclizations: Influence of Alkene Substitution and Pre-cyclization Conformations

Autor: Dean J. Tantillo, Brandi M. Hudson, Michael J. Geier, Michel R. Gagné, Christina H. McCulley
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol 139, iss 32
Popis: Results of kinetic experiments and quantum chemical computations on a series of platinum-promoted polycyclization reactions are described. Analyses of these results reveal a reactivity model that reaches beyond the energetics of the cascade itself, incorporating an ensemble of pre-cyclization conformations of the platinum-alkene reactant complex, only a subset of which are productive for bi- (or larger) cyclization and lead to products. Similarities and differences between this scenario, including reaction coordinates for polycyclization, for platinum- and enzyme-promoted polycyclization reactions are highlighted.
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