2'-C-Methyl branched pyrimidine ribonucleoside analogues: potent inhibitors of RNA virus replication

Autor: Clément Counor, Michel Liuzzi, Dorothée Bardiot, Massimo Mura, Vadim Bichko, Maria Seifer, Svetlana Bergelson, Richard Storer, Erika Cretton-Scott, Tony Bouisset, John Mao, David Standring, Michele Tausek, Jean-Pierre Sommadossi, Chiara Musiu, Edward G. Bridges, Gilles Gosselin, Roberta Loddo, Alessandra Cadeddu, Paolo La Colla, Anna Giulia Loi, Céline Rabeson, Samira Benzaria, Claire Pierra
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Antiviral chemistrychemotherapy. 18(4)
ISSN: 0956-3202
Popis: RNA viruses are the agents of numerous widespread and often severe diseases. Their unique RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) is essential for replication and, thus, constitutes a valid target for the development of selective chemotherapeutic agents. In this regard, we have investigated sugar-modified ribonucleoside analogues as potential inhibitors of the RDRP. Title compounds retain ‘natural’ pyrimidine bases, but possess a β-methyl substituent at the 2′-position of the D- or L-ribose moiety. Evaluation against a broad range of RNA viruses, either single-stranded positive (ssRNA), single-stranded negative (ssRNA−) or double-stranded (dsRNA), revealed potent activities for D-2′- C-methyl-cytidine and -uridine against ssRNA+, and dsRNA viruses. None of the L-enantiomers were active. Moreover, the 5′-triphosphates of the active D-enantiomers were found to inhibit the bovine virus diarrhoea virus polymerase. Thus, the 2′-methyl branching of natural pyrimidine ribonucleosides transforms physiological molecules into potent, broad-spectrum antiviral agents that merit further development.
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