Reinforcement of diene elastomers by organically modified layered silicates

Autor: Giovanna Costa, Lucia Conzatti, Angela Lostritto, Stanislao Senatore, Maurizio Galimberti, Gaetano Guerra, Luca Giannini
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
E-Polymers (2009).
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Galimberti M.; Senatore S.; Lostritto A.; Giannini L.; Conzatti L.; Costa G.; Guerra G./titolo:Reinforcement of diene elastomers by organically modified layered silicates/doi:/rivista:E-Polymers/anno:2009/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine:/volume
Politecnico di Milano-IRIS
Popis: Nanocomposites were prepared based on diene rubbers and layered clays modified with an alkyl quaternary ammonium cation (organoclay). A diene rubber, either polybutadiene, or synthetic or naturally occurring polyisoprene or styrene-butadiene copolymer, was melt blended with either a preformed organoclay or with a mixture of pristine clay and ammonium cation. Besides isolated lamellae, nanocomposites showed the presence of crystalline organoclays with intercalated organic layers made only by low molecular mass substances, essentially the ammonium cation, and no evidences for the intercalation of polymer chains were observed. Dynamic-mechanical properties of sulphur cured compounds with carbon black as the main filler and a minor amount of organoclay were investigated. The organoclay was found to bring about a reduction of Mooney viscosity, an increase of storage modulus at low temperature as well as an increase of thermoplasticity.
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