PINK: Proactive INjection into acK, a queue manager to impose fair resource allocation among TCP flows

Autor: Maurizio Casoni, Martin Klapez, Natale Patriciello, Carlo Augusto Grazia
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: WiMob
Popis: This paper presents preliminary work on PINK (Proactive INjection into acK), an AQM algorithm able to enhance TCP congestion control properties without dropping packets. PINK is a completely transparent solution that does not require any modification to the existing protocol stack of end hosts, and it is particularly suitable for high-delay PPDR systems. The algorithm is based on an explicit feedback scheme, able to enforce a fair bandwidth sharing among clients by modifying the Receive Window in TCP acknowledgements returning to them; such a feedback is computed for each flow, and it only needs the number of active connections, the flows RTTs and the shared link bandwidth. Therefore, PINK is a per-flow stateless AQM that works independently from the TCP algorithm used by clients, and it is fair regardless the flows RTTs, which is a key feature for PPDR systems. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated using the ns-3 simulator.
Databáze: OpenAIRE