The Position of Creditors in Consumer Financing Agreements Due to Fiducian Guarantee Not Registered

Autor: Dwi Tatak Subagiyo
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7902568
Popis: Research with the title creditor position in consumer financing agreements as a result of fiduciary guarantees not being registered, will raise two problems as follows, first, what are the characteristics of consumer financing agreements with fiduciary guarantees, and second, how default is non-fulfillment of achievements or obligations set by certain parties in an engagement. The methodology used in analyzing the problems in this study uses a normative juridical method with two approaches, namely the statutory approach and the concept approach, to produce an in-depth analysis. Based on the discussion that has been carried out in the previous chapter, the following conclusions can be formulated: First, that the characteristics of consumer financing agreements with fiduciary guarantees. The agreement is made by default the contents of the agreement, and the agreement is the principal agreement. Furthermore, it is bound by a fiduciary guarantee agreement which is an assecoir agreement (additional agreement) to the main agreement. After an agreement is reached, then the fiduciary guarantee will be charged and the fiduciary guarantee will be registered in accordance with Government Regulation No. 21 of 2015. The position of the creditor does not register the fiduciary guarantee object as a concurrent creditor. Second, default is the non-fulfillment of achievements or obligations set by certain parties in an engagement. Default in the guarantee is said to cancel the guarantee agreement, and only the main agreement applies. The implementation of the execution of fiduciary guarantees can be done in 3 ways, in accordance with article 29 UUJF, the 3 ways are by means of executorial titles, parateexecutie and private sales. Legal protection for debtors in the forced withdrawal of fiduciary collateral objects that are not registered, namely there are preventive and repressive protections. And the settlement can be done peacefully (kindly), win-win solution or through consumer dispute resolution institutions such as BPSK.
Databáze: OpenAIRE