Ex vivo evaluation of side-perforated needles by injection of anesthetic solutions into the mandibular bone and the periodontal ligament of pigs

Autor: Wilhelm-Joseph Pertot, Jean-Pierre Proust, Régis Rieu, Jean Fuseri
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Journal of endodontics. 18(3)
ISSN: 0099-2399
Popis: New 27-gauge side-perforated needles were compared withconventional needles during injection in dense tissues on the basis of (a) the force to be applied on the syringe plunger and (b) the frequency of complete needle clogging. A miniaturized force transducer was used to measure the forces applied to the syringe plunger. One hundred intraosseous injections and one hundred intraligamentary injections were performed in fresh pig mandibles, using both types of needles. Results showed that (a) less force was required when performing injections with the side-perforated needles and (b) side-perforated needles got clogged less frequently than conventional ones. This result is of special interest for routine dental practice.
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