Study of 11Li and 10,11Be nuclei through elastic scattering and breakup reactions

Autor: K. Spasova, M. K. Gaidarov, A. N. Antonov, K. V. Lukyanov, Elena Zemlyanaya, V. K. Lukyanov, D. N. Kadrev
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 107, p 08003 (2016)
Popis: The hybrid model of the microscopic optical potential (OP) is applied to calculate the 11Li+p, 10,11Be+p, and 10,11Be+12C elastic scattering cross sections at energies E < 100 MeV/nucleon. The OP’s contain the folding-model real part (ReOP) with the direct and exchange terms included, while its imaginary part (ImOP) is derived within the high-energy approximation (HEA) theory. For the 11Li+p elastic scattering, the microscopic large-scale shell model (LSSM) density of 11Li is used, while the density distributions of 10,11Be nuclei obtained within the quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) model and the generator coordinate method (GCM) are utilized to calculate the microscopic OPs and cross sections of elastic scattering of these nuclei on protons and 12C. The depths of the real and imaginary parts of OP are fitted to the elastic scattering data, being simultaneously adjusted to reproduce the true energy dependence of the corresponding volume integrals. Also, the cluster models, in which 11Li consists of 2n-halo and the 9Li core having its own LSSM form of density and 11Be consists of a n-halo and the 10Be core, are adopted. Within the latter, we give predictions for the longitudinal momentum distributions of 9Li fragments produced in the breakup of 11Li at 62 MeV/nucleon on a proton target. It is shown that our results for the diffraction and stripping reaction cross sections in 11Be scattering on 9Be, 93Nb, 181Ta, and 238U targets at 63 MeV/nucleon are in a good agreement with the available experimental data.
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