Solitary Labial Papular Acantholytic Dyskeratoma in an Immunocompromised Host

Autor: B M O'Connell, B J Nickoloff
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: The American Journal of Dermatopathology. 9:339-342
ISSN: 0193-1091
Popis: A 42-year-old white man presented with a solitary labial papule 4 years after cardiopulmonary transplantation. Pathological examination of the excised papule revealed a tumor with prominent acantholytic dyskeratosis. Risk factors for skin tumors in this patient included habitual tobacco chewing, chronic unprotected solar exposure, and an immunosuppressive regimen comprising prednisone and cyclosporin-A. This is the first report of an acantholytic dyskeratoma in association with these predisposing conditions.
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