Usefulness of dual-energy computed tomography withcoloured-coded iodine overlay technique in the evaluation ofendoleaks after endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair

Autor: Racchiusa, Sergio, Donato, Rocco, Mileto, Achille, Curcuruto, Roberto, Impollonia, Daniela, Mazziotti, Silvio, Caloggero, Simona, Lamberto, Salvatore, Ascenti, Giorgio
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: Purpose Methods and Materials Results Conclusion References Personal Information
Purpose: The availability of dual energy (DE) dedicated software on dual-source CT can enable to isolate iodine from selected voxels by using an iodine overlay display. This application generates images containing both the grayscale structural information...
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