Stimulation of seed germination by humic substances: on the nature of the phenomenon

Autor: I. V. Gorepekin, S. A. Shoba, O. A. Salimgareeva, G. N. Fedotov, Andrey L. Stepanov
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Доклады Академии наук. 487:342-345
ISSN: 0869-5652
DOI: 10.31857/s0869-56524873342-345
Popis: The effect of soil compared to sand on the germination of wheat seeds and the development of their seedlings, as well as the effect of seed treatment with humic substances on their development in sand and soils was studied. For a number of the Russian Plain soils, it was shown that the soils inhibit seed germination significantly. It was established that pre-sowing treatment of seeds with humic preparations has a noticeable stimulating effect when sowing treated seeds in sod-podzolic soil and has no effect practically when sowing these seeds in sand. On the basis of the known phenomenon of soil allelotoxicity, it was suggested that the stimulating effect of humic substances on seed development is to limit the influence of allelotoxins on their development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE