The Fibromyalgia Survey Score Correlates With Preoperative Pain Phenotypes But Does Not Predict Pain Outcomes After Shoulder Arthroscopy

Autor: Richard L. Kahn, Joseph A. Oxendine, Lawrence V. Gulotta, Chad M. Brummett, Answorth A. Allen, Alexander Tsodikov, Carrie R. Guheen, Jacques T. YaDeau, Stephen C. Haskins, Jennifer Cheng, Enrique A. Goytizolo, David M. Dines
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: The Clinical journal of pain. 32(8)
ISSN: 1536-5409
Popis: OBJECTIVES Fibromyalgia (FM) characteristics can be evaluated using a simple, self-reported measure that correlates with postoperative opioid consumption after lower-extremity joint arthroplasty. The purpose of this study was to determine whether preoperative pain history and the FM survey score can predict postoperative outcomes after shoulder arthroscopy, which may cause moderate to severe pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this prospective study, 100 shoulder arthroscopy patients completed preoperative validated self-report measures to assess baseline quality of recovery score, physical functioning, depression, anxiety, and neuropathic pain. FM characteristics were evaluated using a validated measure of widespread pain and comorbid symptoms on a 0 to 31 scale. Outcomes were assessed on postoperative day 2 (opioid consumption [primary], pain, physical functioning, quality of recovery score), and day 14 (opioid consumption, pain). RESULTS FM survey scores ranged from 0 to 13. The cohort was divided into tertiles for univariate analyses. Preoperative depression and anxiety (P
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